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Kisii recent comments:

  • Zonic Hotel, Hyrine kerubo (guest) wrote 7 years ago:
    I like your hotel and am interested to work together with you if possible
  • General Post Office, Blessed Shineh wrote 8 years ago:
    Kindly help me out I want to know if box number 1241kisii does exist,thanks
  • Kereri Girls' High School, Kisii, Buraci (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    no other better place to discover talent and develop it. God bless Kereri.
  • Christa Marianne Hospital, Kisii , Obediah Michael Smith (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    Oh, my God, I might have posted my lengthy apology in two poem where I should not have. If that is the case, do please remove what I have posted here and provide me an e-mail account to send these to instead. I'd be eternally grateful. Forgive me, I beg you, if I have caused anyone any embarrassment.
  • Christa Marianne Hospital, Kisii , Obediah Michael Smith (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    * [Changed as they are, I do not think that they would make much sense].
  • Christa Marianne Hospital, Kisii , Obediah Michael Smith (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    Oh, my God, my two poems have collapsed into what looks like prose. The lines and verses of my two poems have disappeared. changed as they are I do not think they they would make much sense. How they are changed does distress me after having worked for hours - for days fashioning them so very carefully. Provide me an e-mail account to send them to and I'd be happy to send them again in a pdf file, as an attachment. I can be reached by e-mail at Love in great great abundance, overflowing always! Obediah Michael Smith, Poet from Nassau on New Providence in The Bahamas.
  • Christa Marianne Hospital, Kisii , Obediah Michael Smith (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    With these two poems which follow, I wish with all my heart to apologize!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Asked to Go Without Delay For Sr. Rosbella Nereah Kandalgor how paradoxical or was it ironic to have been ordered out to have been asked to leave when the month I had intended to spend back in Kisii was over, was done with how could I just up and leave how could I leave just like that gone so soon when- gone so soon after so much love shown after an expression of appreciation and respect that seemed so profound they had had that apartment constructed had that other portion of the porch enclosed, converted, apartment created just for me so that I’d not have been left out in the cold, out-of-doors without an affordable roof over my head a month seemed insufficient too soon to just get up and leave that space created especially for me or so I thought or so I was told or was I mislead made to think that I was more highly regarded more highly respected than I was or was it I who blew it, who spoiled it female friend and a girlfriend alternating, visiting, spending the night one of them making the noises she made like the noises cats in heat make was it deliberate or could it have been helped those noises she made attention she drew to how intimate we were to how deeply involved we were is that- was that what spoiled it all, reversed it all I was certainly not out to disrespect who- not out to disrespect when I was respected so deeply, loved so well honored even by that gesture that quickly constructed- with-love constructed, little apartment side opposite the side where the residing doctors lived one an anesthesiologist with whom I had only recently become acquainted oh, but to have been so well loved so highly respected and to have come down to have been torn down to have been humiliated like I was immediately, abruptly no longer wanted as a tenant to come to feel that I was being urged to leave rent for another month not wanted who I wondered could have blackened my name who could have been, I wondered, tampering with my reputation affecting adversely respect so deep that I had been shown so great I thought it was how unassailable I thought was my good standing was my relationship with the head of housekeeping and the nun in charge and everybody there everybody around Christa Marianne at the top or in between or on the ground I was home, is what I thought is how I felt as at home as the many bats, upside-down in trees nearby or upon wings over the area more than a hundred thousand, flying about when evening was falling there in Kisii I was indoors though comfortable in my small apartment Simion Acuka Owono said had been constructed because I came back to Kisii and hadn’t anywhere to stay he was housekeeper and I was sure he was one of my dearest friends there at Christa Marianne, there in Kisii, here in Africa but, had it been constructed just for me or because of me as I’d been told was that untrue after all Simion seemed not to know whose side he was on whose side to be on he was on the side of whoever it was who wanted me out of there who wanted me gone oh, my God, for the police to have been called that early morning pounding upon the door the search that followed to have been taken away as I was interrogated as I was humiliated as I was and to have found once again nothing at all out of order, out of place nothing at all criminal to attach me to or to attach to me I am a poet and that is it and that is all nothing amiss and nothing less and nothing more who has or was trying to complicate my life like that, like this I had to roll with the punches whoever was throwing them what rumors by whom I wondered were being spread persona non grata when I decided to spend decided to stay an extra month of my life there in Kisii out of respect to show appreciation for respect and appreciation and love I thought I had been- I was being shown what a retreat that was and how quickly and at what cost I had to make from awful/ loveable Kisii should I have fallen in love with with Kisii as I had done I wonder even here even now, far away in Tanzania, in Dodoma here I am wondering will I go back there and if so, when and if I do or did where will I stay and for how long Dados, where I have friends where there are some who’d undermine me as well is comfortable but too expensive by far at 2500 Kenyan Shillings a night 500 KES more if someone I was in love with was added, joined me in bed, stayed overnight unable even to follow me or visit me in my room if this addition of 500 KES was not paid there at Christa Marianne I could stay for a month and feel secure feeling of coming home of returning home when I returned, at whatever hour of day or night on foot or on motorbike and I was charged 10,000 KES monthly before my newly constructed tiny apartment, newly painted, with bathroom with hot shower what a great big room I had with two beds with bathroom as well with hot shower as well and Lucy or Simion Acuka Owono or Jackie it seemed would have done whatever it took to insure that I was comfortable what caused all of this all of that to come tumbling down having a friend and a girlfriend sleeping with both of them sleeping with my friend when or because my girlfriend was not as available to me as I wished she was as I wanted her to be or did the house of cards fall because of the noises in the night that my friend made when it was her turn on alternate nights noises like cats crying when in heat the final morning was the morning when all hell broke loose my girlfriend, tricking us, bursting in, finding my friend who was her friend as well, and me, in bed together proof after all caught us red-handed confirmation that she and I, had, behind her back been sleeping together but who had she been sleeping with with whom was she in bed was she married or was she not officially, was she living with her mother still or was she residing with her son whom she had, for the nine months I had known her kept hidden, kept secret was she residing with her in-laws, with her husband’s family she made up so many stories she told so many lies she was without end after money, needing money is money what she was after was I her ATM she burst in that morning my last morning there at Christa Marianne intending to attack and to beat up my friend and her friend whom I had commenced sleeping with, seeing on the side, having in addition out of frustration after finding out about her three-year-old son and her marriage how deliciously dramatic that must have been was my final morning there at Christa Marianne for some witnessing for some witnesses fine if it was a play or a film but it was real life it was my reputation there upon the line still on the line what violence to be quelled I had to hold her there upon the bed, I had to pin her arms to her sides there in my tiny room girl she met me with whom she called what humiliating names accused in Swahili, in English and in Ekegusii, of being a prostitute, had to run for her life shut herself in the bathroom her temporary sanctuary until the nun in charge, hearing all the commotion, all the combruxion, appeared to bring some sense restore some order and did by ordering one woman and then the other to leave and then ordering me to pack and leave giving me ten minutes and no more to do so I was hurt down deep in my soul, to my core, I could not help but weep wept though without resorting to self-pity without wanting to wallow in that with my journey to continue with so far to go with so much left of my trek across Africa to sink my teeth and my feet into © Obediah Michael Smith, 2016 9:42 a.m. Tuesday 19.01.16 Army of Nuns Nuns for Christ but you are getting your screws on time a nun never gets any want to try celibate try it on for size, see how well it fits I am still regretting not acquiring that Maasai belt from that vendor there in Narok just before boarding that Nissan to travel to Nairobi liked so very much the one I had selected taken aback though when the price was announced when the price was quoted what I liked so very much I had to give up just like that revert to it meaning nothing at all to me about nuns you suggest that they are cold-hearted ruthless, the word you used just before you left for the market to shop for food to cook for supper your left arm through your bag’s cloth handles little use for them it seems is your attitude I, on the other hand, have so much respect so much regard for a nun’s vocation so much respect for the Catholic faith for the Catholic Church and all that it achieves so much appreciation for all that it contributes to sustaining our humanity how great big is the piece that it inserts- that it has inserted in our civilization no small part, the part it plays ruthless might be the right word after all the right attitude in dealing with what is contrary, with who or what might have gone astray with what might be out of place is it a matter of our being agents for the divine to intervene however we might be regarded because of our actions when divinely inspired what of all things, ultimately, working together for good, for those who love the Lord recall my sister, Marjorie her cold attitude, not caring what who she had to correct whom she thought to correct thought about her I am not in no popularity contest, she used to say I have no desire to be liked by rude children was the attitude she had was the attitude of several tough, female teachers I recall encountering as well someone has to put his or her foot down upon the head of whatever wrong rises up to squash it to stop its breath to cut off its head bite off its head, bid it goodnight © Obediah Michael Smith, 2016 6:26 p.m. Tuesday 19.01.16
  • Our Lady of Lourdes Nyabururu Girls' High School, Emmerveline Ondaro wrote 9 years ago:
    im happy to see the jubilee songs on youtube.....where can i get the cd from........good work keep it up
  • Mwalimu House, Kisii , Collins (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    Hosts Gusii Mwalimu Sacco Ltd P.O. Box 1335-40200 Kisii
  • Kisii Diocese of the Roman Catholic Church, Opondo Doreen (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    Please may I have your contact, since I want to do some reservations
  • Our Lady of Lourdes Nyabururu Girls' High School, kevin (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    keep it up nyabururu so that u beat nyabigena boys the only.......
  • Gusii Institute of Technology, obondi (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    hop u knew wat u said about prostutions it is like ur an object to it
  • Kisii High School, Chege Njenga wrote 11 years ago:
    Congratulations to Kisii High School for your 80 years of nurturing leaders who have moved this nation to great heights!! I am a proud alumina and left the school in 1971 after my O Level exams. I resided in Sameta House and served as the school dispensary prefect. Today I run a medical clinic at Kitale Medical Centre in Kitale.........thanks to Kisii School as we called it then! Dr S C Njenga MB ChB,MA
  • Kereri Girls' High School , Okong'o Harizon (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    I am a student at JKUAT Taita Taveta Campus studying Mining and Mineral Processing Engineering, I would like to widen my academic ideas in this school, I have tried to get your email but I am sorry I can't find it, I wish to send my teaching application as Chemistry and Physics, Mathematics and Physics or Mathematics and Chemistry teacher, please help. We will have a long holiday by April this year and I would like to spend this duration as a teacher at Kereri Girl's High School. Waiting for your help.
  • Kisii Central Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Church, oito (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    that is the way kisii central
  • Nyaura Secondary School, bob mariga (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    HI. Good nyura is my home area its beautiful and homely. Bob mariga
  • Kisii Central Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Church, Justobuya (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
  • NYAIRO, calleb wrote 12 years ago:
  • MATOKE SDA CHURCH, calleb wrote 12 years ago:
  • NYAIRO, calleb wrote 12 years ago: